André-Charles Boulle

by Mathieu Deldlicque

Exhibition: Chantilly, Domaine de Chantilly, 2024

304 pages, illustrated in colour. Hardback. 28 x 24cms. Text in French. 

Catalogue of 37 works on show at the Château de Chantilly, displaying commodes, bureaux plats, scabellons, chandeliers and consoles in the tortoiseshell and cut-brass marquetry that earned Boulle the post of Premier ébéniste du Roi. Each item in the exhibition is discussed in detail and includes the results of technical analysis and notes on restorations. Fifteen essays look at Boulle's work for the Bâtiments du roi, the technical and stylistic evolution of his furniture designs, his commissions for Louis-Henri, Prince de Condé, and Louis, the Grand Dauphin, and later collectors of Boulle work such as Charles-Joseph Lenoir Du Breuil.  

Ref: 124381


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