Book of the Day: Bronzes de la Chine Impériale: Des Song aux Qing
Oct 10, 2013

This catalogue of 115 fine bronze vessels, mirrors and sculptures in the Cernuschi museum's collection provides a welcome new look at this exciting area of Chinese art. Accompanying essays discussing Chinese scholarship over the centuries and issues in the identification of forgeries. The exhibition runs until the 19th of January 2014.
Maucuer, Michael (ed.): Bronzes de la Chine Impériale: Des Song aux Qing. Exhibition: Paris, Musée Cernuschi, 2013. 236 pages, colour plates throughout. Paperback. Text in French.£ 32.00
Other useful references on Chinese bronzes currently in stock include:

Palace Musem: Bronzes Gallery of the Palace Museum. Beijing: 2012. 304 pp.,132 colour plates. Wrappers in a slipcase, 29 x 21.8cms.
A catalogue of 131 prize pieces of archaic bronze dating from the Shang to the Han dynasty alongside rubbings of their inscriptions. Text in Chinese.£ 75.00

World in Mirror: Selected Bronze Mirrors from Lloyd Cotsen's Donation. Exhibition: Shanghai, Museum, 2012. 139 pp., numerous colour illustrations including 59 colour plates. 29.6 x 22.8cms.
Catalogue of the Lloyd Cotsen collection of Bronze mirrors from the Warring States period to the Tang dynasty donated to the Shanghai Museum in 2012. Text in Chinese.£ 46.00
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