New Publication in Stock! The Edible Monument, The Art of Food for Festivals.
Nov 13, 2015

The book surveys preparation of ornate edibles for public and courtly festivals throughout the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries in Europe, revealing just how much effort and expense went into such celebrations. Drawing on a variety of primary sources and secondary sources: etchings of designs for festivals, contemporary paintings and documents, this book offers a richly visual introduction to the world the early modern European feast. In her examination, Marcia Reed cites Mattia Gegher’sLi Tre Trattatipublished in Padua by Paolo Frambotto in 1639. We have an original copy in stock! Please see the post below for 21.10.2015. Also please see below our other title pertaining to table decoration and edible sculpture:Dolci trionfi e finissime piegature, Sculture in zucchero e tovaglioli per le nozze fiorentine di Maria de’ Medici. This examines the preparations made in Florence for the celebration of the proxy marriage of Maria de’ Medici and Henry of Navarre, giving particular attention to Giambologna’s designs for sugar sculptures.
Reed, Marcia (ed): The Edible Monument. The Art of Food for Festivals. Exhibition: Los Angeles, The Getty Research Institute, 2015. Hardcover. 23.5 x 26cms. £25